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Become part of something special. See the difference a credit union can make in your financial life. Help make ends meet, or save extra money by applying for one of our loan products today. Whether it's your first time or your tenth, our home loans are easy so that you can get the house you want.

1st Quarter Newsletter COVID-19 Update POPMoney Sunset Holiday Schedule
Please read our newsletter as it has important information regarding dividend and loan rates, scholorship programs, and more! We are asking that all visitors to our branches wear a mask. If you are showing any symptom of COVID-19 we ask that you do not conduct business with us. POPMoney has run its course and will be replaced soon! You've been asking for Zelle and we're finally ready to support Zelle just for you! Welcome 2022! If you're looking to use our services through the year, make sure to read this first so you know what holidays we'll be closed.


Copyright © 2022 Four Seasons Federal Credit Union. All rights reserved. Routing Number: 1234567890
Federally insurced by the National Credit Union Administration. Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.
Member eligibility required to join. Equal opportunity lender. Share certificate & IRA accounts subject to early withdrawal penalties. Balance required to earn dividends is in close proximity & equal prom$
* APY is defined as Annual Percentage Yield. ** APR is defined as Annual Percentage Rate.

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